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I have been painting pastel since 1981 that makes it 32… time flies!
However, I began painting with pen and ink when I was still in my early teens and pastel didn't enter into the picture until I was in my 30s. As a divorced mother of two I needed to supplement my income and did so by doing pastel portraiture. At the same time I was furthering my ink drawings with the addition of watercolor washes and went on to produce 110 limited edition prints and medium which allowed me to become an independent artist. I delved into pure watercolor for a few years, and in 1994 I went almost exclusively back to pastels for 10 years. I felt watercolor a lot of work and pastel a lot of fun. In between then and now I have done oils, acrylics, silk dyes, and stained-glass. I have recently returned small, loose oils and I'm having a ball. However, I continue to travel the world and teach pastel, wherever they will have me. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. |